Using both systems of Wenowo makes it easy to find out which cryptocurrencies has potential growth or may decline in price. This short film is an example . You can use arbitrage scanner first, so system starts to scan and discover the price gaps between two selected exchanges. When system finds a cryptocurrency with beneficial and remarkable difference(higher than 0.25 percentage) , it means that there are some potentials to make benefits. Easily click that crypto pair to find more details and information.
You will be navigated to prediction and comparing system . This system gives you valuable information about exchanges that trade that crypto. Then system predicts the future price of that cryptocurrency for next few hours..This system has 3 price predictions:
First and most important one is overall prediction that tells you what will happen to that price.
Second and third predictions shows the buying and selling price predictions.
It is Highly possible that system predicts the price decline in one exchange and price increasing in another exchange. As our experience, most of these predictions happen,